One Life tells the incredible true story of the British stockbroker Nicholas Winton who, before the outbreak of the Second World War, helped hundreds of Jewish children escape from Czechoslovakia and find refuge in England. Remarkably, the story was largely unknown until Winton was reunited with the children he rescued (and their descendants) on the Esther Rantzen TV show That’s Life in 1988.
It is a moving and thoughtful film, beautifully yet simply told, with moments of great tension when the war breaks out and with the lives of so many children in the balance. The incomparable Anthony Hopkins plays the older and very humble Winton in the film with Johnny Flynn appearing as his younger self - battling against time and bureaucracy whilst organising the visas, transport and host families for the children. A great cast includes Helena Bonham-Carter as Winton’s mother and Jonathan Pryce as one of Winton’s friends who assists his endeavours.
Empire magazine wrote: “...One Life finds its strength through Anthony Hopkins. An actor whom you can always depend on, Hopkins delivers a heartfelt and sincere performance, capturing the melancholic gravity behind Winton’s pain, grief and regret over not accomplishing more.”
Doors 7:00 Movie 7:30. Tickets £5.
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